Deepte 3-Day Peach Burn 30 Tablets (30-day supply)

Deepte 3-Day Peach Burn 30 Tablets (30-day supply)
  • Retail Price : 66.59 USD
  • Sales Price : 43.82 USD (34.2% off)
  • Brand : Deepte
  • Weight : 0.40 kg
  • Capacity : 950mg*30tablets

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Deepte 3-Day Peach Burn 30 Tablets (30-day supply)

Body fat is reduced and energy generation is increased by this product.

Product that took 4 years 6 months of development period.

This is a health functional food that has been reported for product manufacturing to the MFDS.

This product is made of 11 functional foods, and is a product that you should take one tablet a day before going to bed, with features such as confirmed reduction in body fat, energy generation function, energy metabolism function, and vitamins and minerals at 100% of the recommended daily intake.

Deepte 3-Day peach-flavored burn muse is the product selected by Joo Hyun-young and Lee Na-yeon.

A health functional food that has been recognized for its diet functionality by MDFS.

It is suitable for those who want a simple diet by taking one pill a day, those who want continuous management, and those who want to focus on reducing body fat.

The use of ACTIPONIN, a functional ingredient, helps reduce body fat, weight, total abdominal fat area, hip circumference, and waist circumference in human application tests.

This product is a size that can be eaten in one bite while enjoying the sweet peach flavor and aroma with water.

This is a product certified with HACCP, ISO, and GMP.

Featured ingredients

This is a product containing ACTIPONIN, a globally renowned diet new material registered as a patent in four countries.

This is a peach-flavored diet product patented in four countries (USA, Japan, South Korea, China) using new materials.

Contains ACTIPONIN to reduce body fat.

Contains Niacin to recharge energy.

Contains pantothenic acid for metabolism of fat, carbohydrates,

Contains Vitamin B1 with carbohydrate and energy metabolism.

Contains Vitamin B2 with energy production in the body by containing it.

Contains Vitamin C to form connective tissue, maintain function, absorb iron, and has antioxidant effects, helping to protect cells from harmful oxygen.

This product contains nutrients that may be lacking due to excessive dieting, including vitamin B1, B2, C, D, pantothenic acid, and niacin.

Contains Niacin to recharge energy.

This product uses clean natural raw materials through contract farming.

How to use

Take one before going to bed once a day, it's easy to take.