Beauty of Joseon Porcelain gwalsa

Beauty of Joseon Porcelain gwalsa
  • Sales Price : 17.89 USD
  • Brand : Beauty of Joseon
  • Weight : 0.15 kg
  • Capacity : 92g

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Beauty of Joseon Porcelain gwalsa


We believe that true happiness and a healthy life can be fully enjoyed when the body and mind are in a comfortable state. We sincerely hope that your day is "Anshim(安心)," meaning a peaceful state of mind.​

​Ceramic gwalsa (괄사), used in traditional folk remedies since ancient times, repeatedly stimulates each part of the body to release meridians and activate acupuncture points. Ancient pottery is the material optimized for traditional gwalsa therapy. ​

How To Use

Gwalsa massage stimulates the meridians, paths that connect the important reaction points between the skin and muscles, bringing a bright tone to skin, and also has the effect of controlling facial edema, facial asymmetry, and facial muscles.